16. Juli 2015
Run to work: Review of first year
Run to work statistics: 41 commutes, over 200 km distance covered, 17 hours spent on exercise, around GBP 86 saved on public transport, not so fresh air, and a ridiculous number of trolleys avoided by not having to go through one of London’s busiest train terminals.
A year ago, I posted on the topic of trading your commute via car or public transport against exercise
(Bike to work? Run to work, Run to work: Review of first month). At that time, it was still an experiment but I am happy to conclude that the experiment was a great success. I was running far less often than I originally expected, but nevertheless, it’s still fun and gets me ready in the morning for the challenges of the day. I hope that over time, more and more people use this kind of transport in London. However, so far, runners have not made it into the following traffic statistics:
Source: http://www.dft.gov.uk/traffic-counts/cp.php#48576