2463 days ago

North of the Arctic Circle: Hiking adventures in Sweden

My dream of returning to Northern Sweden for some hiking came true this year. Streams and lakes, puddles and pools, snow and ice, mountains and valleys; orienteering, pathfinding, river crossing, wild camping. Fabulous views rewarded the efforts I put in.

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2825 days ago

From Stockholm to Oslo by Bike

Bike touring, wild camping, ferry rides, sun bathing, bike packing, and more. A recount of a loosely planned bicycle trip that brought me another time across Sweden, and this time also a tiny bit of Norway.

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2892 days ago

Herräng, en resa till Herräng

Några veckor kvar inför nästa resa till Sverige. Den här gången på sommaren. Vilket är ju inte den värsta tiden att åka dit. Jag är mycket nyfiken på danslägret i Herräng, vilket är välkänd bland dansarna i Swingvärlden.

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3026 days ago

Ice skating in tailwind

Great timing. A wave of cold temperature and clear skies comes to Sweden precisely when needed. But if it weren’t for the logistics, the wind could have made ice skating impossible. A story in pictures on what the dark and cold winter in Sweden had to offer.

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3350 days ago

Long distance ice skating on Siljan: Old places, new adventures

The ice conditions and the weather in Stockholm being far from ideal for ice-skating, we travelled all the way up to Lake Siljan in Dalarna, Sweden. An essay on the wonders of long-distance ice-skating, a winter activity as fantastic as well as little known outside the Nordic countries.

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3448 days ago

Svenska utanför Sverige – hur gör man då?

Man brukar säga att det är mycket lättare att lära sig ett främmande språk när man befinner sig i landet där språket talas än om man befinner sig utomlands. Angående svenska som främmande språk får jag nu ingå kompromisser eftersom jag inte längre bor i Sverige. Kommer jag att glömma bort allt som jag lärt mig? Helst inte.

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3696 days ago

Goodbye, Sweden. Goodbye.

Everything has an end. Such has my student life in Stockholm. The last days give me a chance to sum up my roughly twenty months in Sweden.

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3744 days ago

Åland – Ice-skating in Finland

From Sweden over the Baltic Sea to Åland in Finland for an afternoon of ice-skating. Waiting for us were beautiful frozen fjords. How come so few students are interested in this hobby?

3746 days ago

Skridskoglädje på Tämnaren

Äntligen var det dags att sätta på sig skridskorna. Tillsammans med klubben gick det på en solig lördag norrut från Stockholm för att åka skridsko på Tämnaren, Upplands största insjö. Den mörka årstiden lyser verkligen upp när isen lagt sig. På riktigt.

3880 days ago

Akka from Kebnekaise

A wonderful journey through Sweden. Great weather conditions. Kebnekaise, Sweden’s highest mountain called. A story both with pictures and with words.

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3888 days ago

Zwischenbericht von der KTH: Über Versuchskaninchen, Double-Degree, Kurswahl, Nerdvokabular und den Polarkreis

Den gibt es nur auf deutsch: meinen Bericht vom ERASMUS-Jahr im Rahmen des neuen Double-Degree-Studiums zwischen den Informatikfakultäten der Technischen Universität München und der Königlich Technischen Hochschule Stockholm.

3897 days ago

Across Sweden from Kungshamn to Stockholm by Bike: Day 5

Across Sweden with the bike from the west coast to the east coast? I have tried my luck. Here is a report about the last day – from Torshälla to Stockholm.

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3897 days ago

Across Sweden from Kungshamn to Stockholm by Bike: Day 4

Across Sweden with the bike from the west coast to the east coast? I have tried my luck. Here is a report about the fourth day – from Mullhyttan to Torshälla.

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3897 days ago

Across Sweden from Kungshamn to Stockholm by Bike: Day 3

Across Sweden with the bike from the west coast to the east coast? I have tried my luck. Here is a report about the third day – from Mariestad to Mullhyttan.

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3908 days ago

Across Sweden from Kungshamn to Stockholm by Bike: Day 2

Across Sweden with the bike from the west coast to the east coast? I have tried my luck. Here is a report about the second day – from Vänersborg to Mariestad.

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3908 days ago

Across Sweden from Kungshamn to Stockholm by Bike: Day 1

Across Sweden with the bike from the west coast to the east coast? I have tried my luck. Here is a report about the first day – from Kungshamn to Vänersborg.

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3908 days ago

Across Sweden from Kungshamn to Stockholm by Bike

Across Sweden with the bike from the west coast to the east coast? I have tried my luck. In a diary-style series of articles I will describe some of my experiences during the five days of biking In the hope that it might benefit others with similar ideas!

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3995 days ago

Review of the Visualization Course at KTH: A Matter of Trust

When trusting the students is a good idea: a review of the project-based visualization course (DD2257) given by Mario Romero in spring 2013 at KTH. The projects presented by the students exceeded my expectations by far – but why?

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4000 days ago

Sun and Ships on a Saturday in Stockholm

Stockholm shows its finest side whenever it is sunny. By coincidence, a particular Saturday in spring this year was a lot about ships — ships and their stories.

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4037 days ago

Sandhamn Off-Season

A weekday in April in Sandhamn: no people, no sound, almost no coffee. But plenty of water, plenty of sun, and still plenty of ice. Here are some impressions. And a riddle: what is 北京八?

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4037 days ago

Langstreckeneislauf aus der Sicht eines Deutschen

Wandern in den Bergen ist in Deutschland ein beliebter und allseits bekannter Freizeitsport. Wandern auf dem Eis mit Schlittschuhen hingegen ist hier größtenteils unbekannt. Eissorten abseits der Eisdiele? Abschnallbare Kufen? Isdubbar? Fahren auf Eisschollen? Mehrere dutzend Kilometer? Gefährlich? Eine Geschichte eines deutschen Anfängers über den ersten und intensiven Kontakt mit dem Langstreckeneislaufen in Schweden.

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4046 days ago

Ice around St. Saltkråkan

Newly frozen black ice in Stockholm’s Archipelago on March 16. Alone the tour I went with populated the ice with 250 people, which is four buses worth. The frozen sea was beautiful but sometimes treacherous – as ever, carefulness is your best buddy.

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4061 days ago

Ice near Vålarö

What is more to say after more than 200 kilometers on the ice? That it looks differently every month. And in March, I got the opportunity to see an amazing mixture of old thick ice, new thin ice, and sea water.

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4074 days ago

Ice on Vättern

After many days of adverse weather conditions, an ice-skating tour brings me to the second-largest lake in Sweden – which is three times larger than Bodensee (Lake Constance). Parts of the lake were covered with transparent ice with a hard and level surface.

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4084 days ago

Week Numbers in Google Calendar

The schedules of most courses at KTH are formulated in terms of week numbers. Google Calendar has a hidden feature for those, who are not yet used to remembering the current week number.

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